Frequently Asked Questions about BLANCO products

Where can I buy BLANCO products?

Our WHERE TO BUY page will help you find a dealer in your area. Please make sure you contact dealers or visit their website to ensure the products you're interested in are in stock and available.

Can I purchase products directly from BLANCO?

We do not sell direct, we are a distribution centre only. You can search for your nearest dealer by visiting the WHERE TO BUY section of our website.

How can I register my warranty with BLANCO Canada Inc?

You must keep your original dated sales receipt, this is the only acceptable proof of purchase that is required for warranty. For more warranty details, visit our warranty page.

Why are most BLANCO sink drains rear-positioned?

Rear sink drains maximize the functionality and usable space inside the sink bowl. They also create extra cabinet storage beneath the sink, by enabling drainpipes and garbage disposals to be installed at the rear of the kitchen cabinet.

What's the difference between an undermount and a drop-in sink?

Undermount sinks are installed under the countertop. This is the most popular method of install and is most widely used with stone countertops. You cannot install an undermount sink in a laminate countertop.

Drop-in, or topmount sinks are installed on top of the countertop. These sinks will have a lip, or ledge around the sink and can be used with stone or laminate countertops. If your sink is a drop-in / topmount sink, most of these models can also be installed undermounted.

Please refer to the template included in your sink packaging. This is the guideline that your countertop fabricator will use to create the cut-out for the sink.

Three things to consider before purchasing your sink

  • Determine your countertop and cabinet size
  • Determine the function and design options you want
  • Decide on the sink material

Visit our SINK GUIDE to learn more about these critical steps!

How do I install a sink with a drainboard?

Drainboard sinks are installed the same way as other kitchen sink models. A drainboard sink requires a full cut-out to include the size of the drainboard. The drainboard section of the sink does not get installed on top of the counter. A sink with a drainboard is a very practical solution which extends your workspace. Drainboards can typically be installed on the left or the right based on your preference and can be installed over dishwashers or drawer units.

A detailed installation template is provided in the sinks packaging and will serve as a guide for your countertop fabricator to follow.

How do I become a BLANCO dealer?

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