Our philosophy


New Truck infront of BLANO

We want to delight our customers with innovative system solutions for sink centres featuring professional design, top quality and great user benefits.We want to be the most appealing and preferred supplier, and achieve an internationally significant market position through excellence and dependability, particularly when it comes to customer service.We want to attract committed, talented employees who can work with our partners in a responsible and value-oriented way.We want to achieve profitable growth and sustainable stability for the company.

Sustainability is important to us

All aspects of corporate Social Responsibility and indeed sustainability are an integral part of BLANCO’s company culture. Responsibility, whether for our employees, customers or partners, our environment and society at large is part of this approach at BLANCO, and informs our actions and thinking on a day-to-day basis.

Individual accountability
One of the distinctive characteristics of working at BLANCO is that employees are given plenty of scope for self-responsibility, as we place a great deal of faith in them. However, this freedom goes hand-in-hand with the expectation that every employee will assume personal responsibility for making the most of this scope in the interests of the company. Employee satisfaction and BLANCO’s attractiveness as an employee are largely based on this coupling of the values of trust and responsibility.

Collective responsibility
Companies have a particular responsibility to society. BLANCO welcomes this responsibility and lives up to it in a large number of ways. As a family-owned company, BLANCO has prized sustainability and the the appreciation of values from the very outset.

Arche Nova Logo

BLANCO is cooperating with international organisation arche noVa e.V.

The five corporate values of Excellence, Reliability, Collaboration, Empowerment and Responsibility are essential to the BLANCO strategy. They serve as a benchmark for our decisions and actions in day-to-day business and beyond. BLANCO is committed to social responsibility, for instance. As a globally successful specialist for the kitchen water place, the company is extremely keen to help people in international crisis areas who find it difficult or impossible to access drinking water.

As such, since 2019 BLANCO has been supporting arche noVa – Initiative für Menschen in Not e.V., a non-profit organization committed to this goal. BLANCO’s partnership with the Dresden-based non-profit organization is focused on the construction of mechanical water pumps and training locals to maintain and repair the pumps independently. This markedly improves living conditions for the local people. “Water is vital. arche noVa is a good match for BLANCO, not just because of its international orientation, but also due to its connection with water and conscious handling of this valuable resource,” says Rüdiger Böhle, CFO of the BLANCO Group.

Water Donor


In 2024, BLANCO has once again been awarded the water donor certificate of arche noVa e.V. With this, the aid organization again honors the support of our company, which is now entering its fifth year. Dr. Jens Ola, Managing Director of arche noVa, on the contribution that BLANCO's commitment means to the work of the aid organization: "With BLANCO, we have a corporate partner at our side who enables us to organize our aid worldwide and bring it to the people who so urgently need it. On behalf of everyone, I say: Thank you BLANCO!".

BLANCO CEO Frank Gfrörer emphasises that BLANCO's commitment has not diminished even in economically challenging times: "Tackling, helping, getting involved is part of BLANCO's DNA. Helping people to make a self-determined living is a meaningful challenge that we have been happy to take on for years."

Our Suppliers’ Portal

Hand in hand with our suppliers

We see our suppliers as important partners. They make an important contribution towards the performance of our company, thanks to their innovative strength, quality and reliability. That’s why we ensure short communication paths with our suppliers – via the BLANCO Suppliers’ Portal.

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